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How to set up cronjob for Mailster

Mailster is a WordPress newsletter plugin. It requires a cronjob to send scheduled emails to your subscribers.

To set up cronjob for your Mailster plugin, follow these instructions:

  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard
  • Visit Newsletter > Settings > Cron, switch to Use a real cron to send newsletters
  • Copy the Mailster cron URL, then click Save Changes. Mailster settings
  • Try visiting the cron URL with your browser to confirm it’s okay.
  • Log in to FastCron.
  • Click the new Cron Job button
  • Enter the mailster URL into the URL to call field
  • Select When to call: Every 5 minutes
  • Click Save & run.

And that’s it.

FastCron will run your cronjob for free, no monthly login required.

If you have a premium plan, you should run your cronjob every minute.