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The following functions are for listing, retrieving, creating, updating, and deleting your cronjobs.

All parameters are listed in the table. Required parameters are in bold with no default values.


List cronjobs under your account, up to 1000 items per page.

tokenstringYour API token
pageint1Page number
keywordstringnullKeyword to search cronjobs (name, ID, URL)

Returns an array of cronjob data structures.


Get a cronjob data.

tokenstringYour API token
idintegerCronjob ID

Returns the cronjob data like this:

"data": {
"id": 132,
"group": null,
"expression": "41 3 * * 2",
"timezone": "Europe/London",
"url": "",
"postData": "",
"fail": 0,
"status": 0,
"name": "weekly",
"notify": true,
"points": 1
"status": "success",
"code": 0


Add a new cronjob.

tokenstringYour API token
urlstringURL to call
expressionstring1 hourTime expression, may be either crontab syntax or time interval in English
filterstringnullFilter scheduled execution times
delayinteger0Random delay (in minutes) before running your cronjob. No delay by default.
timezonestringaccount timezoneCronjob timezone
timeoutinteger1800Cron timeout - max time to wait for your URL to response.
instancesinteger0Max overlapping cronjob executions: 0: unlimited, 1: single, 2 - 5: 2 - 5 overlapping executions
usernamestringnullUsername for HTTP authentication
passwordstringnullPassword for HTTP authentication
httpMethodstringGETHTTP method of the HTTP request to send to your cronjob URL
postDatastringnullWhen httpMethod is POST, PUT, or PATCH, send this post data with the HTTP request.
httpHeadersstringnullPlain HTTP headers to send to your cronjob URL. Use new lines as delimiters.
userAgentstringnullUser agent, default is Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; FastCron/1.0;
notifybooltrueEnable notification on failure.
notifyEveryint1When notify is true, send notification every notifyEvery fails.
failureThresholdinteger10Number of consecutive failures allowed before disabling cronjob.
patternstringnullIf the cron execution contains the string, mark it as failure
groupintegernullGroup ID
namestringnullName of cronjob

Returns the newly created cronjob.******&expression=*/3 1,2,3 * * *&
"data": {
"id": 132,
"group": null,
"expression": "*/3 1,2,3 * * *",
"timezone": "UTC",
"url": "",
"postData": "",
"fail": 0,
"status": 0,
"name": "",
"notify": true,
"points": 9
"status": "success",
"code": 0


Update an existing cronjob

tokenstringYour API token
idintegerCronjob ID
anyanycurrent valueAny parameter listed in cron_add parameters

Similar to cron_add, except that it’ll update a specific cronjob with provided ID.

Returns the structure of the updated cronjob.


Enable a cronjob

tokenstringYour API token
idintegerCronjob ID

Returns the structure of the updated cronjob.


Disable a cronjob

tokenstringYour API token
idintegerCronjob ID

Returns the structure of the updated cronjob.


Pause a cronjob for a specific duration

tokenstringYour API token
idintegerCronjob ID
forstringnullAn expression for time modification e.g. 15 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day, etc.

Returns the structure of the paused cronjob.


Delete a cronjob

tokenstringYour API token
idintegerCronjob ID

Returns the structure of the deleted cronjob, with ID set to null.


Schedule the cronjob to run within next minute or at a specific time. This doesn’t change the cronjob time settings.

tokenstringYour API token
idintegerCronjob ID
timeintegerTimestamp to run cronjob
payloadstringPayload to send this time (read more below).

payload should be valid HTTP query string name=value&name2=value2 or valid JSON {"name": "value", "number": 1}.

  • If cronjob’s httpMethod is POST, PUT, or PATCH, payload will overwrite the cronjob’s postData. If payload is valid JSON, FastCron will add Content-Type: application/json to the HTTP request headers.

  • If cronjob’s httpMethod is GET, HEAD, or DELETE, payload must be HTTP query string, and will append to the cronjob URL. FastCron automatically add ? or & before appending the payload so you don’t need to.

You can also use keywords like __timestamp__ in your payload.

Returns the timestamp which cronjob will run at.


Get your cronjob execution logs.

tokenstringYour API token
idintegerCronjob ID
keywordstringKeyword to search in execution time, output, IP addresses, error messages, etc.

Returns an array of cron execution results.


Get your cronjobs failed execution logs.

tokenstringYour API token
idintegerCronjob ID
keywordstringKeyword to search in execution time, output, IP addresses, error messages, etc.

Returns an array of cron execution results.


Get next execution times of your cronjob.

tokenstringYour API token
idintegerCronjob ID

Returns an array of queued/scheduled execution times (Unix timestamp). Max 100 results. Example response:

{ "status": "success", "code": 0, "data": [1723256352, 1723342752, 1723429152] }


Add multiple cronjobs at once/

tokenstringnullYour API token
dataarraynullArray of cron_add parameters except token.

This works only with requests in JSON format like this:

Terminal window
curl -X POST "" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"token":"***", "data":[{"url":"", "expression":"1 hour"},{"url":"", "expression":"1 day"}]}'

Returns an array of cronjob data structures.


Update multiple cronjobs at once.

tokenstringYour API token
idarrayList of cronjob IDs
anyanycurrent valuesAny parameters listed in cron_add parameters except token

Returns an array of updated cronjob data structures.


Delete multiple cronjobs at once.

tokenstringYour API token
idarrayList of cronjob IDs

Returns an array of deleted cronjobs.


Update multiple cronjobs in a group at once.

tokenstringYour API token
idintThe group ID
anynullexisting valueAny parameter listed in cron_add parameters except token

Returns an array of updated cronjob data structures.