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Telegram integration

You can receive a message via Telegram when your cronjobs fail or succeed.

To set up integration from FastCron to your Telegram user, group, or channel, follow the instructions below:

Add FastCronBot

Direct messages: If you want notifications sent to yourself directly, start a conversation with FastCronBot.

Groups: If you want notifications sent to a group, start by inviting FastCronBot to the group. The bot will get added as a member with no access to group messages.

Channels: If you want notifications sent to a Telegram channel, add FastCronBot to the channel’s Administrators. Enable the Post Messages admin right, and disable all other admin rights.

Get Chat ID

FastCron needs a chat ID to send the message. Start by sending /start message to FastCron. FastCronBot will send a Chat ID so you can add it to your channel.

Please note that the Chat ID for group/channel has a minus sign e.g. -1001234567.

Add it to your account Channels

  • Click the tab Channels on your account dashboard.
  • Click Add channel > Telegram.
  • Paste the Chat ID, then Save.

Enable notifications for your cronjobs

FastCron enables notifications for your cronjobs by default.

To check it, edit cronjobs, at the section Notifications, ensure the Notify me: when cronjob fails, and when cronjob succeeds after failed are checked.

FastCron will send you a message when a cronjob in your account fails, and when it succeeds again.