How to run cron job every 10 seconds

You can run cronjobs every 10 seconds using Unix crontab or FastCron service.

If you are using the Cron Jobs feature from your hosting or your server crontab, you can run cronjob every 10 seconds by setting up 6 cronjobs running every minute, the second one with a 10-second delay:

* * * * * curl
* * * * * sleep 10 && curl
* * * * * sleep 20 && curl
* * * * * sleep 30 && curl
* * * * * sleep 40 && curl
* * * * * sleep 50 && curl

Now your cron.php will run every 10 seconds.

Alternatively, you can also create a cronjob which will run your task 6 times sequentially:

* * * * * /bin/bash -c 'for i in {1..6}; do curl; sleep 10; done'

However, it doesn’t take into account your cronjob execution time.

An easier way to run cron every 10 seconds

FastCron is the best tool to run your cronjob every 10 seconds. You just need to create one cronjob, and you’ll get:

  • Full cron logs including starting time, total time, script output, etc.
  • Email/Slack/Discord notifications when your cronjob fails or backs up again.
  • A nice simple interface for you and your team.
  • and many more features.

Try it free for 7 days now, no credit card required.

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